What Are Chakras?
and How Can You Unblock Them?

What are chakras? Chakras are believed to be energy centers within the human body that correspond to different physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our being. There are seven main chakras, each and every chakra located along the spine, from the base to the top of the head.

Here is an overview of each chakra and some tips on how to balance these 7 chakras:

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara): This chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with the feeling of safety, security, and stability. To balance this chakra, you can try activities that ground you, such as walking barefoot, spending time in nature, or doing yoga poses that focus on the lower body. Also, one can use red crystals to balance it.

What are chakras
Root Chakra (Muladhara) Located at the base of the spine Associated with the color red Crystals: Red Jasper, Hematite, Black Tourmaline.
Beej Mantra: “LAM”
I am safe and secure.
I am grounded and centered.
I trust myself and the universe.
I am worthy of abundance and prosperity.
I am connected to my physical body and the Earth.
Emotions stored: Fear, anxiety, insecurity.

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): This chakra is located just below the navel and is associated with creativity, pleasure, and sexuality. To balance this chakra, you can try activities that stimulate your senses, such as dancing, creating art, or enjoying a delicious meal. One can use “carnelian” – crystal to be more creative.

What are chakras

Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana) Located below the navel Associated with the color orange Crystals: Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Amber.
Beej Mantra: “VAM”
I am creative and passionate.
I embrace pleasure and joy.
I am comfortable with my sexuality.
I honor my feelings and emotions.
I am ready to experience new opportunities which are for my highest good..
Emotions stored: Guilt, shame, sexual repression.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): This chakra is located in the upper abdomen and is associated with confidence, self-esteem, and personal power. To balance this chakra, you can try activities that boost your self-confidence, such as public speaking, setting goals, or practicing positive affirmations.

What are chakras
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) Located above the navel Associated with the color yellow Crystals: Citrine, Yellow Jasper, Pyrite.
Beej Mantra: “RAM”
I am confident and empowered.
I trust my intuition and inner wisdom.
I am worthy of love and respect.
I embrace my personal power.
I am courageous and resilient.
Emotions stored: Shame, low self-esteem, lack of confidence

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): This chakra is located in the center of the chest and is associated with love, compassion, and emotional balance. To balance this chakra, you can try activities that promote feelings of love and connection, such as spending time with loved ones, practicing gratitude, or volunteering.

What are chakras

Heart Chakra (Anahata) Located at the center of the chest Associated with the color green or pink Crystals: Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Rhodonite.
Beej Mantra: “YAM”
My heart is open to give and receive unconditional love..
I forgive myself and others.
I am compassionate and empathetic.
I am extremely happy and grateful for all the love in my life.
Emotions stored: Grief, sadness, heartbreak, resentment

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): This chakra is located in the throat and is associated with communication, self-expression, and authenticity. To balance this chakra, you can try activities that help you express yourself, such as singing, journaling, or speaking your truth.

What are chakras

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) Located at the throat Associated with the color blue Crystals: Blue Lace Agate, Aquamarine, Sodalite.
Beej Mantra: “HAM”
I am fully aware of my speech and I speak my truth with confidence.
I express myself creatively and authentically.
I am all ears to others with understanding and compassion.
I communicate effectively and assertively.
I trust my voice and my opinions.
Emotions stored: Fear of speaking up, fear of judgment, feeling unheard

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): This chakra is located in the forehead between the eyebrows and is associated with intuition, wisdom, and insight. To balance this chakra, you can try activities that help you tap into your inner wisdom, such as meditation, visualization, or practicing mindfulness.

What are chakras

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) Located between the eyebrows Associated with the color indigo or purple Crystals: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Fluorite.
Beej Mantra: “OM” or “AUM”
I trust my intuition and inner guidance.
I am open to spiritual insights and experiences.
I am in synchronisation with my higher self and the universe for my highest good.
I am wise.
I am able to visualize and manifest my dreams and goals.
Emotions stored: Anxiety, confusion, lack of clarity

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): This chakra is located at the top of the head and is associated with spiritual connection and transcendence. To balance this chakra, you must actively participate in activities that promote spiritual growth, such as meditation, prayer, yoga, or spending time in nature, like going on a trek, swimming in a freshwater body, or walking barefoot.

Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) Located at the top of the head Associated with the color violet or white Crystals: Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Selenite.
Beej Mantra: “OM” or “AUM”
I am connected to the divine and my spiritual purpose.
I am open to receiving spiritual wisdom and insights.
I am one with all beings and the universe.
Emotions stored: Attachment, ego, fear of death or the unknown

Tips for balancing the chakras: Meditation, yoga, and deep breathing can help balance the chakras. Use the associated crystals by placing them on or near the corresponding chakra. Chant the beej mantra associated with each chakra during meditation. Repeat the affirmations for each chakra daily to reinforce positive beliefs and thoughts. Practice self-care and cultivate a positive mindset to promote overall balance and well-being.
Overall, there are many different ways to balance your chakras, and it’s important to find what works best for you. Some people prefer to focus on one chakra at a time, while others prefer to work on all of them together. There are various techniques to balance the chakras and keep them aligned. Techniques such as Crystal Therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, and Theta Healing. Learn or try out different techniques and see what resonates with you and your energy.
For any further information feel free to get connected with us. We will try to help you out with your concern.

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